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Diversity And Inclusion Workshops

Public Workshops

People3’s public workshops/webinars are delivered virtually via webinar or in Nashville. Our public workshops/webinars are designed for those interested in learning more about individual and organization diversity and inclusion strategies, changing workforce demographics, and unpacking identity and unconscious bias.

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Diversity & Inclusion Workshops

People3’s public diversity and inclusion workshops and webinars are available for individual participants to register for one of our interactive diversity and inclusion learning sessions. People3’s workshops/webinars are designed for those who are interested in learning more about general diversity and inclusion strategies, the changing global workforce, as well as unpacking their own individual biases.

People3’s diversity and inclusion workshops/webinars include an overview of demographic data and population shifts in the U.S. as well as the global workforce. Our facilitators will also unpack various terms such as diversity, inclusion, intersectionality, cultural competency, microaggressions, white privilege, anti-racism, and other verbiage in the diversity, equity, and inclusion space.

Our public workshops/webinars dive into the best practices for both individuals and organizations to expand diversity awareness and facilitate inclusion.

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LOCATION: Nashville Technology Council

FOOD: Breakfast and lots of coffee

TICKETS: $/per participant