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Virtual Event

Conversations in Color: Reflections on the LGBTQIA Experience in America

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About This Event

On June 28, 1969, after raids from police, members of the LGBT community took action and participated in the Stonewall Riots, an event that is considered one of the most well-known instances in the Gay Liberation Movements. Fifty-two years later, members of the LGBTQ community are still actively working for fully recognized civil rights and protections in the United States.

The journey continues.

A 2017 study showed that 1 in 5 LGBTQ Americans have experienced discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity when applying for jobs. When looking at the lives of and experiences of those in the transgender community, the Human Rights Campaign reports 2020 was the most violent year on record for transgender women. At least 28 transgender or gender non-conforming people were fatally shot or killed by other violent means in 2021. There are currently more than 50 active pieces of legislation being considered to disenfranchise or limit the rights of those in the LGBTQIA community.

We invite you to join our panel discussion focused around LGBTQIA experiences and the lens through which they experience social, personal, and work spaces.

Event Details


Joe Woolley
Nashville LGBT Chamber of Commerce

El Cook
Activist and Captain
U.S. Army

Auralia Baggett
Diversity and Technology
Subject Matter Expert

Terry Vo
External Affairs Specialist, Comcast
Vice President, Nashville LGBT Chamber

Kimberly Stephan Tate
Director of Diversity & Talent Strategy/ERG Strategist

Greg Cason
Inspired Concepts and Events


Amiee Sadler
Education + Research Manager