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Virtual Event

Conversations in Native American Culture: Reflections on the Indigenous Experience in the United States

About This Event
According to the 2020 U.S. Census, the number of people in the United States who identify as Native American and Alaska Native (AIAN) alone and in combination with another race was 9.7 million, up from 5.2 million in 2010. This population now accounts for 2.9% of all the people living in the United States. The Center for Indian Country Development indicates that 61.6% of the Native American population are active participants in the workforce of U.S. metropolitan cities and 54.5% in rural areas.

Yet Native American unemployment exceeds 40% in the U.S. and 1 in 3 Native Americans are living in poverty, with a median income of $23,000 a year. Many Native American reservations are located in remote locations, making transportation to the workplace difficult. Due to systemic racism and colonialism, these conditions have contributed to a long-standing history of unemployment, yielding minimal access to education and economic support.

Despite historic and longstanding adversities, Native American and indigenous people in the United States have remained resilient and found strength in community and tribal determination. As organizations in the U.S. expand and invest in diverse and inclusive workplaces, this discussion will create a space for Native American and indigenous individuals to reflect on their experiences and discuss how organizations can contribute to the economic development and progress of Native American and indigenous communities.

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Event Details


November 18, 2021 at 11:00 AM CST


Noemi Salvador Lucero
people3 consultant, seed keeper, community organizer and traditional birth worker

Shane P. Thin Elk
Native Legal Consultant and Mediator
Nickey Consulting LLC

Alastair Bitsoi
Southern Utah Reporter
The Salt Lake Tribune


Patrick Gonzales-Rogers
people3 consultant and Executive Director at
Bears Ears Inter-Tribal Coalition