In this post, we share advice on how to identify high-quality online diversity training courses and how ours breaks the mold.When you hear the term "DEI training," it might elicit feelings of skepticism, apprehension, or even an eye roll from you or your colleagues....
Dr. Candace Warner
Candace Warner, Ph.D., is the founder and CEO of people3, Inc. People3 is a full-service diversity and inclusion consulting firm providing consulting services and educational workshops to organizations that want to leverage diverse teams and expand their diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives. Dr. Warner is a sociologist with over 20 years of experience educating others on all things people and a ten year veteran in the D&I space.
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Starting a Diversity and Inclusion (DEI) Program Committee at the Workplace
In this post, we’ll share some ideas on how to get a diversity committee started at work, and the story of how one of our clients did it--as a case study.Last year’s Black Lives Matter protests did not emerge out of thin air. Momentum had been building for years by...
Catching Unconscious Bias in Marketing
Including diverse perspectives in the workplace mitigates “blind spots” that could potentially ostracize customers and harm your brand.At people3, Inc., unconscious bias training is one of our most requested workshops. While many are just becoming aware of these two...