people3 Resources
Inclusive Recruiting+HiringTools to recruit diverse candidates and mitigate unconscious bias in hiring.
Tech Tools to Mitigate Unconscious Bias in the Hiring Process
Job Description Software that Mitigates Unconscious Bias in Wording
Platforms for Sourcing Diverse Candidates
General Diversity
Insights in Color
Hispanic/Latinx Candidates
Hispanic/Latino Professionals Association (HLPA)
Candidates with Disabilities
Female Candidates
Candidates of Color/Black
Mature and Retired Candidates
Formerly Incarcerated Candidates
LGBTQ+ Candidates
Out & Equal
Veteran Candidates
People3 doesn’t provide hiring advice and we are not your HR team. We also do not financially benefit from any of these sites. We’ve included this list as a resource only. Some of these job boards and tech tools may be useful. Some may not. We are just letting you know they exist. We hope it helps.
The information, opinions, and recommendations presented in these resources are for general information only and have been made available for informational and educational purposes only. People3, Inc. does not make any representation or warranties with respect to the accuracy, applicability, validity, or completeness of the content. All opinions expressed by authors, creators, panelists, and broadcasters and their affiliates are solely their opinions and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of People3, Inc. The information contained in these resources should not be considered professional advice. People3 is not liable for any actions taken based on the content of these resources.
Last update: November 2022